about us

Elemental Being is a movement with a focus on amplifying the connections between the four classical elements and the world of self-discovery, healing practices and well-being.

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an astrological approach to well-being

Did you know that your star sign is actually the sign that the Sun was in when you were born? Most people know their star/Sun sign (extra points if you can name its element), the thing is, there is way more to the story..! Using Astrology, we can look beyond your Sun sign to see how the elements were distributed when you were born, we call this your elemental signature. Knowing this will help you understand how you function and what you need to focus on to improve your overall well-being.

Meet the founder - Segilola Jolaosho

Meet Segilola, the founder of Elemental Being. With an academic background in Psychology (Bachelors degree) and Research Methods in Neuroscience (Masters degree), she has spent the last few years expanding her knowledge of the human psyche through the study of Traditional Astrology at Kepler College. She's a Pisces Sun and Rising with a Libra Moon and her 10th house Sagittarian Saturn conjunct Uranus, keeps her dedicated and disciplined in the work she does, whilst she strives for innovative ways to enhance the human experience.

Here's exactly why she set up Elemental Being in her own words -

"I see Elemental Being as a community with the shared goal of elemental mastery. Merging my passion and expertise across various areas including science, research, technology, astrology, psychology and spirituality, I hope to hold space for those on the journey to full self-discovery. The Elemental Being collective is focused on giving you everything you need to understand yourself better through the understanding of the elements".

Meet the founder - Segilola Jolaosho

Our vision is to bring the elements to the forefront of self discovery and personal exploration.

Ensuring everyone across the globe that is on a journey of self discovery, knows their elemental signature in true depth and how it impacts them and those around them.

Our vision is to bring the elements to the forefront of self discovery and personal exploration.
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“Our psyche is set up in accord with the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm likewise happens in the infinitesimal and most subjective reaches of the psyche.”
Carl. G. Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections
The four seasons are an image of the four elements set into cyclic motion, transforming one into the other. The seasons take the elements and combine them with the process of time!”
Charles Obert - The Classical Seven

Our mission is for everyone to know their elemental signature.

We aim to usher as many elemental beings as possible from a state of imbalance to balance, through elemental readings for awareness and by providing references & examples of what works best for your unique elemental composition, across multiple areas, starting with healing practices and well-being.

Our mission is for everyone to know their elemental signature.
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“Our psyche is set up in accord with the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm likewise happens in the infinitesimal and most subjective reaches of the psyche.”
Carl. G. Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections
The four seasons are an image of the four elements set into cyclic motion, transforming one into the other. The seasons take the elements and combine them with the process of time!”
Charles Obert - The Classical Seven

we’re not your usual astrology platform.

We have created a unique way of measuring your elemental signature based on insights from traditional astrology, without you having to answer an endless questionnaire etc. we pair this with educational content about the elements and how to maintain elemental balance.

we’re not your usual astrology platform.

How does it work?